Our Beliefs

We aren’t a church, we have no official affiliation with any church of any denomination. We do have some simple core beliefs that will help guide our group though. This establishes a baseline of what we need to agree on, the main thing, so that we can be free to disagree on periphery issues. We really want to keep the main thing, the main thing and not get caught up and divided by the things we don’t agree on.

  1. We have a relationship with Jesus. We follow Him, and His word guides our lives. This is, at its core, a faith based group, grounded in our faith that we are all sinners but God loves us and sent His Son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins and through His resurrection, and His Spirit, we can have a direct relationship with God. This gift of grace is received through our faith in Christ, not by our works, deeds, or intentions. Matters of Christian Orthodoxy that are beyond dispute are the Trinity, The Virgin Birth, The Diety of Jesus Christ, the Bodily Resurection of Christ, Salvation by Grace through Faith, and the Inspiration of Scripture. (Rom. 3:23, John 3:16, Gal. 2:16, Eph. 2:8-9)
  2. We love people. We are commanded to love God, and Love our neighbors (everyone). We are not gatekeepers of the faith, we are not to judge and condemn, we are not to be angry and vengeful, we are not to divide ourselves. We build bridges, not roadblocks. All ministry flows through relationships. (John 13:34-35, 1 John 4:20)
  3. We share our faith with others. We will not hide in the smokey shadows, we are not a secret society, or private club. We welcome men and women from all walks of life to join us in person or online. (Matt. 28:19-20, Mark 9:50)

These are our pillars that we stand on, all else is up to each individual to weigh, ponder and accept of reject.